Eastern Residential Services (ERS) has been licensed with the Ministry of Children and Youth Services as of February 2008, and since then our staff have worked diligently to not only meet all Ministry contract expectations, but to exceed them.
‘ERS’ takes great pride in our achievements and our far-reaching geographical ability to provide quality services to the many children and youth in need. We are proudly working with over 20 placing agencies across Ontario and continually strive to maintain a strong and close working relationship with every contract.
At ‘ERS’ we understand that the social, educational, spiritual, emotional and developmental needs of children in care are unique and best met through a nurturing and stable placement. Our dedicated staff ensures that each child receives an individualized treatment plan and subsequent access to the necessary supports and services needed upon placement. Our dedicated Treatment Homes are fully qualified to meet these unique needs via their educational/training background as well as ongoing, specialized training and 24/7 support by each region’s Supervisor/Case Manager.
As part of our program, ERS is able to offer Foster Youth as well as Foster Parents access to mental health and therapeutic supports and services from our community partners including highly reputable Registered Psychotherapists and Counsellors.
At ‘ERS’ we appreciate how each of our homes can offer their own unique specialties and we take great pride at being successful at matching our children and youth with the home that offers the best possible fit.
Our Treatment Homes provide quality family based care to a variety of Children and Youth with special needs such as Physical Disabilities (e.g. Cerebral Palsy), Psychological/Psychiatric Disorders (Anxiety, Depression), Developmental and Cognitive Disorders (e.g. Autism, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome), Brain Injury and Behaviour Disorders (e.g. ADHD, High Risk Sex Offenders).
Each of ERS’s qualified Child and Youth Workers also offer their own unique specialties and we feel that matching each of our youths with 1-1 worker’s with similar interests and energy levels is paramount to their success. While it is important to match the similarities, we also understand that offering them diverse and multiple opportunities to explore new challenges is equally important.
What does ERS offer?
- Foster Parents/Youth have access to 24/7 on-call emergency support from each Regional Supervisor
- ERS provides Foster Youth with monthly access to a qualified Child & Youth Worker
- Foster Parents receive 48 hours per month of respite services
- ERS offers its Foster Families and Youth with Special ERS group activities and functions
- ERS provides Foster Parents and their Youth access to the many available supports and services within their community including but not limited to recreational, educational and highly reputable mental health and therapeutic supports.
Founder Tom O’Brien began ‘ERS’ with one fundamental belief. That every child deserves a stable, nurturing and supportive home where they can grow, develop and reach their potential. Our daily commitment is a reflection of this vision. If you believe you have what it takes, we welcome you to join our team of dedicated individuals and help make this a reality for a child in need.
It is not only a child’s right, it is OUR responsibility.
Tom O'Brien
ERS Director